Galeria rotativa

Posteado el 22. Nov, 2010 por tuto in Flash

En este link podrás ver lo que aprenderás en este tutorial de Flash

Creamos un nuevo documento de Flash (ActionScript 3.0).

Galeria rotativa

En la ventana Properties modificamos el tamaño a 940 x 940 píxeles, un color de fondo negro y un Frame rate de 60 fps.

Galeria rotativa

En el centro de nuestro documento creamos la forma de un rectángulo con un color gris claro como se ve en la imagen.

Galeria rotativa

Damos clic derecho sobre el rectángulo y vamos a la opción Convert to Symbol…

Galeria rotativa

En la ventana le colocamos el nombre de flashmo mask y seleccionamos la opción Movie Clip.

Galeria rotativa

Vamos a la ventana Properties y en la opción de Instance name colocamos el nombre de flashmo_mask.

Galeria rotativa

Creamos una capa nueva sobre la capa de la máscara y creamos un rectángulo que cubra la parte superior, al rectángulo le agregamos un color de relleno negro y una opacidad de 75%.

Galeria rotativa

Convertimos el rectángulo en un Movie clip y le colocamos el nombre de photo_info_bg.

Galeria rotativa

En la ventana Properties en le espacio de Instance name colocamos el nombre de photo_info_bg.

Galeria rotativa

Con la herramienta de texto vamos a crea un cuadro de texto como el que se ve en la imagen.

Galeria rotativa

En la ventana Properties vamos a colocar los valores que se ven en la imagen.

Galeria rotativa

Seleccionamos la capa del texto y la convertimos en un Movie Clip y le colocamos el nombre de flashmo_pic_info.

Galeria rotativa

En la ventana Properties en la opción Instance name colocamos el nombre de flashmo_pic_info.

Galeria rotativa

Creamos una nueva capa y creamos un rectángulo pequeño debajo del espacio donde irá el texto de la descripción de cada foto.

Galeria rotativa

Convertimos en Movie Clip este rectángulo y le colocamos el nombre de loading bg, luego en la ventana Properties en la opción Instance name le colocamos el nombre de loading_info_bg.

Galeria rotativa

Creamos una nueva capa de texto sobre el espacio del cargador y en la ventana Properties colocamos los valores que se ven en la imagen.

Galeria rotativa

Vamos a dibujar una pestaña la cual nos servirá cuando hagamos un over sobre las imágenes.

Galeria rotativa

A la capa del texto en la ventana Properties le colocamos los valores que se ven en la imagen.

Galeria rotativa

Convertimos la forma y el texto en un Movie Clip y le colocamos el nombre de tooltip luego en la ventana Properties en la opción Instance name colocamos el nombre flashmo_tooltip.

Galeria rotativa

Creamos una nueva capa y dibujamos los dos botones que servirán para la navegación dentro de las imágenes.

Galeria rotativa

Ahora convertimos en botón el dibujo del preview y en la ventana Properties le colocamos el nombre de flashmo_previous.

Galeria rotativa

Al botón de next le colocamos el nombre de flashmo_next.

Galeria rotativa

Creamos una nueva capa y dentro de esta dibujamos el botón de cerrar, convertimos a botón nuestro dibujo y en la ventana Properties le colocamos el nombre de flashmo_close.

Galeria rotativa

Ahora creamos una nueva capa y dibujamos el espacio que utilizara nuestro scrooll horizontal, lo convertimos en movie clip lo nombramos drag area y luego en la ventana properties le colocamos el nombre de drag_area.

Galeria rotativa

En una capa nueva dibujamos el botón que servirá para mover nuestro scroll, lo convertimos en movie clip y en la ventana properties le colocamos el nombre de dragger.

Galeria rotativa

Ahora creamos una capa nueva a la cual vamos a nombrar actions, vamos a la Timeline y nos colocamos en el frame 1 y presionamos la tecla F9 y en la ventana copiamos el siguiente código Actions Scipts.

import caurina.transitions.*;
flashmo_graphic.visible = false;
loading_info.text = "Cargando Datos XML...";
var folder:String = "photos/";
var css_file:String = "flashmo_210_style.css";
var show_tooltip:Boolean = true;	// true OR false
var follow_mouse:Boolean = false;	// true OR false
var follow_mouse_value:Number = 1;
var tween_duration:Number = 0.5;
var rotation_speed:Number = 5;	// range from 1 to 10
var radius_x:Number = 320;
var radius_y:Number = 80;
var tn_border_size:Number = 5;
var tn_border_color:Number = 0xFFFFFF;
var photo_border_size:Number = 10;
var photo_border_color:Number = 0xFFFFFF;
var bar_status:uint = 0;
var dragger_x:Number = 3000;
var dragger_y:Number = 3000;
var pic_info_x:Number;
var pic_info_y:Number;
var previous_x:Number;
var previous_y:Number;
var next_x:Number;
var next_y:Number;
var close_x:Number;
var close_y:Number;
var progress_interval:uint;
var loading_y:Number;
var y_offset:Number;
var dynamic_speed:Number = 0;
var ratio:Number;
var i:Number;
var tn:Number = 0;
var current_pic_no:Number = -1;
var next_pic_no:Number;
var total_items:Number;
var pic_loader:Loader = new Loader();
var css_loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var flashmo_style:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet();
var flashmo_xml:XML;
var flashmo_photo_list = new Array();
var photo_bm:Bitmap = new Bitmap();
var mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
var flashmo_pic:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
var flashmo_pic_border:Shape = new Shape();
var photo_property:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
var thumbnail_group:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.addEventListener( FullScreenEvent.FULL_SCREEN, check_screen_mode );
flashmo_fullscreen.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, switch_screen_mode );
flashmo_tooltip.visible = false;
flashmo_pic_info.visible = false;
flashmo_close.visible = false;
flashmo_previous.visible = false;
flashmo_next.visible = false;
flashmo_fullscreen.visible = false;
close_loading.visible = false;
photo_property.mask = flashmo_mask;
function load_gallery(xml_file:String):void
	var xml_loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
	xml_loader.load( new URLRequest( xml_file ) );
	xml_loader.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, create_gallery );
	y_offset = 85;
	loading_y = loading_info_bg.y;
	stage.addEventListener( Event.RESIZE, resize_listener );
this.x = Math.floor( stage.stageWidth * 0.5 );
this.y = Math.floor( stage.stageHeight * 0.5 ) - y_offset;
function resize_listener( e:Event ): void
	this.x = Math.floor( stage.stageWidth * 0.5 );
	this.y = Math.floor( stage.stageHeight * 0.5 ) - y_offset;
function create_gallery(e:Event):void
	flashmo_xml = new XML(;
	total_items =;
	show_tooltip = flashmo_xml.config.@show_tooltip.toString() == "false" ? false : true;
	follow_mouse = flashmo_xml.config.@follow_mouse.toString() == "true" ? true : false;
	if( flashmo_xml.config.@folder.toString() != "" )
		folder = flashmo_xml.config.@folder.toString();
	if( flashmo_xml.config.@css_file.toString() != "" )
		css_file = flashmo_xml.config.@css_file.toString();
	if( flashmo_xml.config.@tween_duration.toString() != "" )
		tween_duration = parseFloat( flashmo_xml.config.@tween_duration.toString());
	if( flashmo_xml.config.@rotation_speed.toString() != "" )
		rotation_speed = parseInt( flashmo_xml.config.@rotation_speed.toString());
	if( flashmo_xml.config.@radius_x.toString() != "" )
		radius_x = parseFloat( flashmo_xml.config.@radius_x.toString());
	if( flashmo_xml.config.@radius_y.toString() != "" )
		radius_y = parseFloat( flashmo_xml.config.@radius_y.toString());
	if( flashmo_xml.config.@tn_border_size.toString() != "" )
		tn_border_size = parseInt( flashmo_xml.config.@tn_border_size.toString());
	if( flashmo_xml.config.@tn_border_color.toString() != "" )
		tn_border_color = flashmo_xml.config.@tn_border_color.toString();
	if( flashmo_xml.config.@photo_border_size.toString() != "" )
		photo_border_size = parseInt( flashmo_xml.config.@photo_border_size.toString());
	if( flashmo_xml.config.@photo_border_color.toString() != "" )
		photo_border_color =  flashmo_xml.config.@photo_border_color.toString();
	if( flashmo_xml.config.@bar_status.toString() != "" )
		bar_status = parseInt( flashmo_xml.config.@bar_status.toString());
	if( flashmo_xml.config.@dragger_x.toString() != "" )
		dragger_x = parseFloat( flashmo_xml.config.@dragger_x.toString());
	if( flashmo_xml.config.@dragger_y.toString() != "" )
		dragger_y = parseFloat( flashmo_xml.config.@dragger_y.toString());
	if( !show_tooltip )
		flashmo_tooltip.visible = false;
		flashmo_tooltip.addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, tooltip );
	if( follow_mouse ) follow_mouse_value = -1;
	if( rotation_speed > 10 || rotation_speed < 1 ) rotation_speed = 5;
	for( i = 0; i < total_items; i++ )
		flashmo_photo_list.push( {
		} );
	css_loader.load( new URLRequest(css_file) );
	css_loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, css_complete);
function css_complete(e:Event):void
	flashmo_pic_info.photo_description.styleSheet = flashmo_style;
function load_tn():void
	var pic_request:URLRequest = new URLRequest( folder + flashmo_photo_list[tn].thumbnail );
	pic_loader = new Loader();
	pic_loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, tn_progress);
	pic_loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, tn_loaded);
function tn_progress(e:ProgressEvent):void
	loading_info.text = "Cargando miniaturas " + tn + " de " + total_items;
	loading_info_bg.width = loading_info.width;
function tn_loaded(e:Event):void
	var flashmo_tn_bm:Bitmap = new Bitmap();
	var flashmo_tn_mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
	flashmo_tn_bm = Bitmap(;
	flashmo_tn_bm.smoothing = true;
	flashmo_tn_bm.x = - flashmo_tn_bm.width * 0.5;
	flashmo_tn_bm.y = tn_border_size;
	if( tn_border_size > 0 )
		var bg_width:Number = flashmo_tn_bm.width + tn_border_size * 2;
		var bg_height:Number = flashmo_tn_bm.height + tn_border_size * 2;; - bg_width * 0.5, 0, bg_width, bg_height );;
	flashmo_tn_mc.addChild(flashmo_tn_bm); = "flashmo_tn_" + thumbnail_group.numChildren;
	flashmo_tn_mc.buttonMode = true;
	flashmo_tn_mc.y = 1000;
	thumbnail_group.addChild( flashmo_tn_mc );
	if( tn < total_items )
		pic_loader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, tn_progress);
		pic_loader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, tn_loaded);
		pic_loader = null;
function activate_carousel():void
	for( i = 0; i < total_items; i++ )
		mc = MovieClip( thumbnail_group.getChildByName("flashmo_tn_" + i) );
		mc.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, tn_click );
		mc.addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, tn_update );
		mc.angle = i * ( Math.PI * 2 / total_items );
		mc.enabled = false;
		if( show_tooltip )
			mc.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, tn_over );
			mc.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, tn_out );
	loading_info.text = "";
	loading_info_bg.visible = false;
	if( dragger_y == 3000 )
		dragger.y = thumbnail_group.y + thumbnail_group.height + radius_y + 50;
		dragger.y = dragger_y;
	drag_area.y = dragger.y;
	flashmo_fullscreen.y = dragger.y;
	if( dragger_x != 3000 )
		dragger.x = dragger_x;
		drag_area.x = dragger.x;
		flashmo_fullscreen.x = dragger.x + 77;
	dragger.visible = true;
	drag_area.visible = true;
	flashmo_fullscreen.visible = true;
	this.addChild( drag_area );
	this.addChild( dragger );
	this.addChild( flashmo_fullscreen );
	this.addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, on_update );
	thumbnail_group.scaleX = thumbnail_group.scaleY = thumbnail_group.alpha = 0.2;
	Tweener.addTween( thumbnail_group, { alpha: 1, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1,
					 time: tween_duration, transition: "easeOutBack" } );
function on_update(e:Event):void
function sort_group(group:MovieClip):void
	var i:int;
	var child_list:Array = new Array();
	i = group.numChildren;
		child_list[i] = group.getChildAt(i);
	child_list.sortOn("y", Array.NUMERIC);
	i = group.numChildren;
		if( child_list[i] != group.getChildAt(i) )
			group.setChildIndex(child_list[i], i);
function tn_update(e:Event):void
	mc = MovieClip(;
	mc.x = Math.cos(mc.angle) * radius_x;
	mc.y = Math.sin(mc.angle) * radius_y;
	ratio = ( mc.y + radius_y ) / ( radius_y * 2 );
	if( ratio < 0.3 ) ratio = 0.3;
	mc.scaleX = mc.scaleY = ratio;
	mc.angle += dynamic_speed;
function tn_over(e:MouseEvent):void
	mc = MovieClip(;
	flashmo_tooltip.visible = true;
	flashmo_tooltip.pic_title.text = flashmo_photo_list[ parseInt(, 14) ) ].tooltip;
function tn_out(e:MouseEvent):void
	flashmo_tooltip.visible = false;
function tn_click(e:MouseEvent):void
	mc = MovieClip(;
	next_pic_no = parseInt(,13));
function tooltip(e:Event):void
	flashmo_tooltip.x = mouseX;
	flashmo_tooltip.y = mouseY - 5;
function load_photo():void
	if( next_pic_no >= flashmo_photo_list.length )
		next_pic_no = 0;
	else if( next_pic_no < 0 )
		next_pic_no = flashmo_photo_list.length - 1;	
	var pic_request:URLRequest = new URLRequest( folder + flashmo_photo_list[next_pic_no].filename );
	pic_loader = new Loader();
	pic_loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, on_photo_loaded);
	this.addChild( loading_info_bg );
	this.addChild( loading_info );
	this.addChild( close_loading );
	progress_interval = setInterval( add_progress_listener, 1000 );
function add_progress_listener()
		pic_loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, on_photo_progress);
	catch( e:Error ){}
function on_photo_progress(e:ProgressEvent):void
	clearInterval( progress_interval );
	if( !loading_info_bg.visible )
		if( stage.displayState == StageDisplayState.NORMAL && flashmo_pic.numChildren > 0 )
			set_loading_y( loading_y + y_offset );
			set_loading_y( loading_y );
		loading_info.text = "Cargando Imagen...";
		loading_on( true );
	var percent:Number = Math.round(e.bytesLoaded / e.bytesTotal * 100);
	if( percent < 100 )
		var filesize:Number = Math.round(e.bytesTotal / 1024);
		loading_info.text = "Cargando " + flashmo_photo_list[next_pic_no].tooltip +
							"... " + percent + "% (" + filesize + "KB)";
		loading_info_bg.width = loading_info.width;
function on_close_load_click( me:MouseEvent ):void
	loading_on( false );
	next_pic_no = current_pic_no;
function on_photo_loaded(e:Event):void
		clearInterval( progress_interval );
		loading_on( false );
		flashmo_fullscreen.mouseEnabled = false;
		flashmo_close.mouseEnabled = false;
		flashmo_pic.mouseEnabled = false;
		photo_bm = new Bitmap();
		photo_bm = Bitmap(;
		photo_bm.smoothing = true;
		if( flashmo_pic.numChildren > 0 )
			flashmo_pic_info.visible = flashmo_previous.visible =
			flashmo_next.visible = flashmo_close.visible = false;
			Tweener.addTween( flashmo_pic, { alpha: 0, time: tween_duration, transition: "easeOut",
							 				 onComplete: remove_photo });
			thumbnail_group.mouseChildren = false;
			thumbnail_group.alpha = 0.5;
			flashmo_pic.alpha = 0;
			add_photo( true );
	catch( e:Error ){ }
function loading_on( loading_visible:Boolean ):void
	if( loading_visible )
		loading_info.visible = true;
		loading_info_bg.visible = true;
		close_loading.visible = true;
		close_loading.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, on_close_load_click );
		loading_info.text = "";
		loading_info.visible = false;
		loading_info_bg.visible = false;
		close_loading.visible = false;
		close_loading.removeEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, on_close_load_click );
function remove_photo(): void
	flashmo_pic.removeChildAt( 0 );
	add_photo( false );
function add_photo( first_time:Boolean ):void
	var bg_width:Number = photo_bm.width + photo_border_size * 2;
	var bg_height:Number = photo_bm.height + photo_border_size * 2;
	photo_property.x = - photo_bm.width * 0.5;
	photo_property.y = - photo_bm.height * 0.5;
	if( stage.displayState == StageDisplayState.NORMAL )
		photo_property.y +=	y_offset;
	if( first_time )
		flashmo_pic_border = new Shape(); photo_border_color ); 0, 0, bg_width, bg_height );;
		this.addChild( flashmo_pic_border);
		if( flashmo_pic_border.width != bg_width || flashmo_pic_border.height != bg_height )
			Tweener.addTween( flashmo_pic_border, { x: photo_property.x - photo_border_size,
							 						y: photo_property.y - photo_border_size,
													width: bg_width, height: bg_height,
													time: tween_duration, transition: "easeOut" });
			Tweener.addTween( flashmo_mask, { x: photo_property.x, y: photo_property.y,
										      width: photo_bm.width, height: photo_bm.height,
										      time: tween_duration, transition: "easeOut", onComplete: set_buttons });
function set_border_mask(): void
	flashmo_pic_border.x = photo_property.x - photo_border_size;
	flashmo_pic_border.y = photo_property.y - photo_border_size;
	flashmo_mask.x = photo_property.x;
	flashmo_mask.y = photo_property.y;
	flashmo_mask.width = photo_bm.width;
	flashmo_mask.height = photo_bm.height;
function set_buttons(): void
	flashmo_pic.addChild( photo_bm );
	Tweener.addTween( flashmo_pic, { alpha: 1, time: tween_duration, transition: "easeOutQuart",
					 				 onComplete: enable_buttons });
	flashmo_pic.doubleClickEnabled = true;
	flashmo_pic.addEventListener( MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, on_close_click );
	flashmo_pic.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, on_photo_click );
	flashmo_close.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, on_close_click );
	flashmo_previous.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, on_previous_click );
	flashmo_next.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, on_next_click );
	flashmo_pic_info.photo_description.width = photo_bm.width - ( flashmo_pic_info.photo_description.x * 2 );
	flashmo_pic_info.photo_info_bg.width = photo_bm.width;
	flashmo_pic_info.photo_description.htmlText = flashmo_photo_list[next_pic_no].description;
	flashmo_pic_info.x = pic_info_x;
	flashmo_pic_info.y = pic_info_y;
	flashmo_previous.x = previous_x;
	flashmo_previous.y = previous_y;
	flashmo_next.x = next_x;
	flashmo_next.y = previous_y;
	flashmo_close.x = close_x;
	flashmo_close.y = close_y;
	flashmo_pic_info.visible = flashmo_previous.visible =
	flashmo_next.visible = flashmo_close.visible = true;
	this.addChild( photo_property );
	this.addChild( flashmo_mask );
	flashmo_mask.y = photo_property.y;
	flashmo_pic_border.y = photo_property.y - photo_border_size;
	pic_loader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, on_photo_progress);
	pic_loader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, on_photo_loaded);
	pic_loader = null;
	current_pic_no = next_pic_no;
function enable_buttons(): void
	flashmo_fullscreen.mouseEnabled = true;
	flashmo_close.mouseEnabled = true;
	flashmo_pic.mouseEnabled = true;
function set_x_y():void
	pic_info_x = flashmo_pic.x;
	previous_y = flashmo_pic.y + ( flashmo_pic.height - flashmo_previous.height ) / 2;
	next_y = previous_y;
	if( bar_status == 0 )
		pic_info_y = flashmo_pic.y + flashmo_pic.height;
		previous_x = flashmo_pic.x - flashmo_previous.width - 5;
		next_x = flashmo_pic.x + flashmo_pic.width + flashmo_next.width + 5;
		close_x = flashmo_pic.x + flashmo_pic.width + 5;
		close_y = flashmo_pic.y - flashmo_close.height - 5;
		pic_info_y = flashmo_pic.y + flashmo_pic.height - flashmo_pic_info.height;
		previous_x = pic_info_x;
		next_x =  flashmo_pic.x + flashmo_pic.width;
		close_x = flashmo_pic.x + flashmo_pic.width - flashmo_close.width;
		close_y = flashmo_pic.y;
function on_photo_click(me:MouseEvent):void
	if( bar_status > 1 )
		bar_status = 0;
	Tweener.addTween ( flashmo_pic_info, {	y: pic_info_y,
						time: tween_duration, transition: "easeOutQuart" } );
	Tweener.addTween ( flashmo_previous, {	x: previous_x,
						time: tween_duration, transition: "easeOutQuart" } );
	Tweener.addTween ( flashmo_next, {	x: next_x,
						time: tween_duration, transition: "easeOutQuart" } );
	Tweener.addTween ( flashmo_close, {	x: close_x, y: close_y,
						time: tween_duration, transition: "easeOutQuart" } );
function on_close_click(me:MouseEvent):void
	loading_on( false );
	flashmo_pic.removeEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, on_photo_click );
	flashmo_close.removeEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, on_close_click );
	flashmo_previous.removeEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, on_previous_click );
	flashmo_next.removeEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, on_next_click );
	photo_property.removeChild( flashmo_close );
	photo_property.removeChild( flashmo_previous );
	photo_property.removeChild( flashmo_next );
	photo_property.removeChild( flashmo_pic_info );
	this.removeChild( flashmo_pic_border );
	Tweener.addTween( thumbnail_group, { alpha: 1, time: tween_duration, transition: "easeIn" });
	Tweener.addTween( flashmo_pic, { alpha: 0, time: tween_duration,
					  transition: "easeIn", onComplete: unload_photo });
function unload_photo():void
	photo_property.removeChild( flashmo_pic );
	this.removeChild( photo_property );
	this.removeChild( flashmo_mask );
	thumbnail_group.mouseChildren = true;
function close_loader():void
		pic_loader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, on_photo_progress);
		pic_loader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, on_photo_loaded);
	catch( e:Error ){}
function on_previous_click(me:MouseEvent):void
function on_next_click(me:MouseEvent):void
function switch_screen_mode( me:MouseEvent )
	if( stage.displayState == StageDisplayState.NORMAL )
		stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN;
		stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.NORMAL;
function check_screen_mode( fe:FullScreenEvent )
	if ( fe.fullScreen )
		this.x = Math.floor( stage.stageWidth * 0.5 );
		this.y = Math.floor( stage.stageHeight * 0.5 );
		photo_property.y = - photo_bm.height * 0.5;
		set_loading_y( loading_y );
		this.x = Math.floor( stage.stageWidth * 0.5 );
		this.y = Math.floor( stage.stageHeight * 0.5 ) - y_offset;
		photo_property.y = - photo_bm.height * 0.5 + y_offset;
		if( flashmo_pic.numChildren > 0 )
			set_loading_y( loading_y + y_offset );
	flashmo_mask.y = photo_property.y;
	flashmo_pic_border.y = photo_property.y - photo_border_size;
function set_loading_y( y_value:Number ):void
	loading_info.y = loading_info_bg.y = close_loading.y = y_value;
	loading_info.y -= ( loading_info.height * 0.5 );
var on_drag:Boolean;
var diff:Number = ( drag_area.width - dragger.width ) * 0.5;
dragger.x = drag_area.x;
dragger.y = drag_area.y;
dragger.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, drag);
dragger.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, drop);
dragger.visible = false;
drag_area.visible = false;
function drag(me:MouseEvent):void
	on_drag = true;
	dragger.addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, dragger_update);
	stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stage_up);
function drop(me:MouseEvent):void
	on_drag = false;
	Tweener.addTween( dragger, { x: drag_area.x, time: tween_duration, transition: "easeOutQuart" } );
	stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stage_up);
function stage_up( me:MouseEvent ):void
	on_drag = false;
	Tweener.addTween( dragger, { x: drag_area.x, time: tween_duration, transition: "easeOutQuart" } );
function dragger_update(e:Event):void
	if( on_drag )
		dragger.x = this.mouseX;
		if( dragger.x - drag_area.x < - diff )
			dragger.x = - diff + drag_area.x;
		if( dragger.x - drag_area.x > diff )
			dragger.x = diff + drag_area.x;
	else if( dragger.x - drag_area.x == 0 )
		dragger.removeEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, dragger_update);
	dynamic_speed = ( dragger.x - drag_area.x ) * rotation_speed * 0.0003 * follow_mouse_value;

Galeria rotativa

Seleccionamos todos los elementos y los convertimos en un Movie clip y le colocamos el nombre de Resizable Carrusel, luego en la ventana Properties le colocamos el nombre de flashmo_carousel.

Galeria rotativa

Creamos una nueva capa sobre la capa del carrusel y la renombramos actions

Galeria rotativa

Vamos a la timeline y en el frame 1 presionamos la tecla F9 y en la ventana Agregamos el siguiente código Actiosn Script.

var xml_file:String = "flashmo_230_photo_list.xml";
	var key_str:String;
	var value_str:String;
	var param_obj:Object = LoaderInfo(this.root.loaderInfo).parameters;
	for ( key_str in param_obj )
		value_str = String( param_obj[key_str] );
		if( key_str == "xml_file" )
			xml_file = value_str;
catch (error:Error) {}
// Right-Click Menu
import flash.ui.ContextMenu;
var fm_menu:ContextMenu = new ContextMenu();
var copyright:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem( "Creado Por Tutoriales en la web" );
var credit:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem( "Galería Carousel" );
copyright.addEventListener( ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT, visit_flashmo );
credit.addEventListener( ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT, visit_carousel );
credit.separatorBefore = false;
fm_menu.customItems.push(copyright, credit);
this.contextMenu = fm_menu;
function visit_flashmo(e:Event)
	var flashmo_link:URLRequest = new URLRequest( "" );
	navigateToURL( flashmo_link, "_parent" );
function visit_carousel(e:Event)
	var flashmo_link:URLRequest = new URLRequest( "" );
	navigateToURL( flashmo_link, "_parent" );

Galeria rotativa

Ahora abrimos Adobe Dreamweaver y creamos un nuevo documento XML.

Galeria rotativa

Dentro del archio XML copiamos el siguiente código xml.

		<tooltip>tutoriales en la web 01</tooltip>
		<description><![CDATA[<p class="subtitle">Tutoriales en la Web</p><p><a href="" target="_parent">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</a>, consectetur adipiscing elit. <span class="highlight">Quisque at ante sit amet</span> erat laoreet <u>fermentum</u>. Quisque nec nisl. Nam scelerisque cursus dolor. Duis nulla diam, posuere ac, varius id, ullamcorper sit amet, libero.</p><p><span class="note">This text is dynamically loaded from the external XML file. This textfield supports HTML and CSS.</span></p>]]></description>
		<tooltip>tutoriales en la web 02</tooltip>
		<description><![CDATA[<p class="subtitle">Tutoriales en la Web</p><p><a href="" target="_parent">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</a>, consectetur adipiscing elit. <span class="highlight">Quisque at ante sit amet</span> erat laoreet <u>fermentum</u>. Quisque nec nisl. Nam scelerisque cursus dolor. Duis nulla diam, posuere ac, varius id, ullamcorper sit amet, libero.</p><p><span class="note">This text is dynamically loaded from the external XML file. This textfield supports HTML and CSS.</span></p>]]></description>
		<tooltip>tutoriales en la web 03</tooltip>
		<description><![CDATA[<p class="subtitle">Tutoriales en la Web</p><p><a href="" target="_parent">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</a>, consectetur adipiscing elit. <span class="highlight">Quisque at ante sit amet</span> erat laoreet <u>fermentum</u>. Quisque nec nisl. Nam scelerisque cursus dolor. Duis nulla diam, posuere ac, varius id, ullamcorper sit amet, libero.</p><p><span class="note">This text is dynamically loaded from the external XML file. This textfield supports HTML and CSS.</span></p>]]></description>
		<tooltip>tutoriales en la web 04</tooltip>
		<description><![CDATA[<p class="subtitle">Tutoriales en la Web</p><p><a href="" target="_parent">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</a>, consectetur adipiscing elit. <span class="highlight">Quisque at ante sit amet</span> erat laoreet <u>fermentum</u>. Quisque nec nisl. Nam scelerisque cursus dolor. Duis nulla diam, posuere ac, varius id, ullamcorper sit amet, libero.</p><p><span class="note">This text is dynamically loaded from the external XML file. This textfield supports HTML and CSS.</span></p>]]></description>
		<tooltip>tutoriales en la web 05</tooltip>
		<description><![CDATA[<p class="subtitle">Tutoriales en la Web</p><p><a href="" target="_parent">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</a>, consectetur adipiscing elit. <span class="highlight">Quisque at ante sit amet</span> erat laoreet <u>fermentum</u>. Quisque nec nisl. Nam scelerisque cursus dolor. Duis nulla diam, posuere ac, varius id, ullamcorper sit amet, libero.</p><p><span class="note">This text is dynamically loaded from the external XML file. This textfield supports HTML and CSS.</span></p>]]></description>
		<tooltip>tutoriales en la web 06</tooltip>
		<description><![CDATA[<p class="subtitle">Tutoriales en la Web</p><p><a href="" target="_parent">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</a>, consectetur adipiscing elit. <span class="highlight">Quisque at ante sit amet</span> erat laoreet <u>fermentum</u>. Quisque nec nisl. Nam scelerisque cursus dolor. Duis nulla diam, posuere ac, varius id, ullamcorper sit amet, libero.</p><p><span class="note">This text is dynamically loaded from the external XML file. This textfield supports HTML and CSS.</span></p>]]></description>
		<tooltip>tutoriales en la web 07</tooltip>
		<description><![CDATA[<p class="subtitle">Tutoriales en la Web</p><p><a href="" target="_parent">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</a>, consectetur adipiscing elit. <span class="highlight">Quisque at ante sit amet</span> erat laoreet <u>fermentum</u>. Quisque nec nisl. Nam scelerisque cursus dolor. Duis nulla diam, posuere ac, varius id, ullamcorper sit amet, libero.</p><p><span class="note">This text is dynamically loaded from the external XML file. This textfield supports HTML and CSS.</span></p>]]></description>
		<tooltip>tutoriales en la web 08</tooltip>
		<description><![CDATA[<p class="subtitle">Tutoriales en la Web</p><p><a href="" target="_parent">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</a>, consectetur adipiscing elit. <span class="highlight">Quisque at ante sit amet</span> erat laoreet <u>fermentum</u>. Quisque nec nisl. Nam scelerisque cursus dolor. Duis nulla diam, posuere ac, varius id, ullamcorper sit amet, libero.</p><p><span class="note">This text is dynamically loaded from the external XML file. This textfield supports HTML and CSS.</span></p>]]></description>
		<tooltip>tutoriales en la web 09</tooltip>
		<description><![CDATA[<p class="subtitle">Tutoriales en la Web</p><p><a href="" target="_parent">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</a>, consectetur adipiscing elit. <span class="highlight">Quisque at ante sit amet</span> erat laoreet <u>fermentum</u>. Quisque nec nisl. Nam scelerisque cursus dolor. Duis nulla diam, posuere ac, varius id, ullamcorper sit amet, libero.</p><p><span class="note">This text is dynamically loaded from the external XML file. This textfield supports HTML and CSS.</span></p>]]></description>
		<tooltip>tutoriales en la web 10</tooltip>
		<description><![CDATA[<p class="subtitle">Tutoriales en la Web</p><p><a href="" target="_parent">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</a>, consectetur adipiscing elit. <span class="highlight">Quisque at ante sit amet</span> erat laoreet <u>fermentum</u>. Quisque nec nisl. Nam scelerisque cursus dolor. Duis nulla diam, posuere ac, varius id, ullamcorper sit amet, libero.</p><p><span class="note">This text is dynamically loaded from the external XML file. This textfield supports HTML and CSS.</span></p>]]></description>
		<tooltip>tutoriales en la web 11</tooltip>
		<description><![CDATA[<p class="subtitle">Tutoriales en la Web</p><p><a href="" target="_parent">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</a>, consectetur adipiscing elit. <span class="highlight">Quisque at ante sit amet</span> erat laoreet <u>fermentum</u>. Quisque nec nisl. Nam scelerisque cursus dolor. Duis nulla diam, posuere ac, varius id, ullamcorper sit amet, libero.</p><p><span class="note">This text is dynamically loaded from the external XML file. This textfield supports HTML and CSS.</span></p>]]></description>
		<tooltip>tutoriales en la web 12</tooltip>
		<description><![CDATA[<p class="subtitle">Tutoriales en la Web</p><p><a href="" target="_parent">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</a>, consectetur adipiscing elit. <span class="highlight">Quisque at ante sit amet</span> erat laoreet <u>fermentum</u>. Quisque nec nisl. Nam scelerisque cursus dolor. Duis nulla diam, posuere ac, varius id, ullamcorper sit amet, libero.</p><p><span class="note">This text is dynamically loaded from the external XML file. This textfield supports HTML and CSS.</span></p>]]></description>
		<tooltip>tutoriales en la web 13</tooltip>
		<description><![CDATA[<p class="subtitle">Tutoriales en la Web</p><p><a href="" target="_parent">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</a>, consectetur adipiscing elit. <span class="highlight">Quisque at ante sit amet</span> erat laoreet <u>fermentum</u>. Quisque nec nisl. Nam scelerisque cursus dolor. Duis nulla diam, posuere ac, varius id, ullamcorper sit amet, libero.</p><p><span class="note">This text is dynamically loaded from the external XML file. This textfield supports HTML and CSS.</span></p>]]></description>
		<tooltip>tutoriales en la web 14</tooltip>
		<description><![CDATA[<p class="subtitle">Tutoriales en la Web</p><p><a href="" target="_parent">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</a>, consectetur adipiscing elit. <span class="highlight">Quisque at ante sit amet</span> erat laoreet <u>fermentum</u>. Quisque nec nisl. Nam scelerisque cursus dolor. Duis nulla diam, posuere ac, varius id, ullamcorper sit amet, libero.</p><p><span class="note">This text is dynamically loaded from the external XML file. This textfield supports HTML and CSS.</span></p>]]></description>
		<tooltip>tutoriales en la web 15</tooltip>
		<description><![CDATA[<p class="subtitle">Tutoriales en la Web</p><p><a href="" target="_parent">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</a>, consectetur adipiscing elit. <span class="highlight">Quisque at ante sit amet</span> erat laoreet <u>fermentum</u>. Quisque nec nisl. Nam scelerisque cursus dolor. Duis nulla diam, posuere ac, varius id, ullamcorper sit amet, libero.</p><p><span class="note">This text is dynamically loaded from the external XML file. This textfield supports HTML and CSS.</span></p>]]></description>
		<tooltip>tutoriales en la web 16</tooltip>
		<description><![CDATA[<p class="subtitle">Tutoriales en la Web</p><p><a href="" target="_parent">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</a>, consectetur adipiscing elit. <span class="highlight">Quisque at ante sit amet</span> erat laoreet <u>fermentum</u>. Quisque nec nisl. Nam scelerisque cursus dolor. Duis nulla diam, posuere ac, varius id, ullamcorper sit amet, libero.</p><p><span class="note">This text is dynamically loaded from the external XML file. This textfield supports HTML and CSS.</span></p>]]></description>
		<tooltip>tutoriales en la web 17</tooltip>
		<description><![CDATA[<p class="subtitle">Tutoriales en la Web</p><p><a href="" target="_parent">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</a>, consectetur adipiscing elit. <span class="highlight">Quisque at ante sit amet</span> erat laoreet <u>fermentum</u>. Quisque nec nisl. Nam scelerisque cursus dolor. Duis nulla diam, posuere ac, varius id, ullamcorper sit amet, libero.</p><p><span class="note">This text is dynamically loaded from the external XML file. This textfield supports HTML and CSS.</span></p>]]></description>
		<tooltip>tutoriales en la web 18</tooltip>
		<description><![CDATA[<p class="subtitle">Tutoriales en la Web</p><p><a href="" target="_parent">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</a>, consectetur adipiscing elit. <span class="highlight">Quisque at ante sit amet</span> erat laoreet <u>fermentum</u>. Quisque nec nisl. Nam scelerisque cursus dolor. Duis nulla diam, posuere ac, varius id, ullamcorper sit amet, libero.</p><p><span class="note">This text is dynamically loaded from the external XML file. This textfield supports HTML and CSS.</span></p>]]></description>
		<tooltip>tutoriales en la web 19</tooltip>
		<description><![CDATA[<p class="subtitle">Tutoriales en la Web</p><p><a href="" target="_parent">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</a>, consectetur adipiscing elit. <span class="highlight">Quisque at ante sit amet</span> erat laoreet <u>fermentum</u>. Quisque nec nisl. Nam scelerisque cursus dolor. Duis nulla diam, posuere ac, varius id, ullamcorper sit amet, libero.</p><p><span class="note">This text is dynamically loaded from the external XML file. This textfield supports HTML and CSS.</span></p>]]></description>
		<tooltip>tutoriales en la web 20</tooltip>
		<description><![CDATA[<p class="subtitle">Tutoriales en la Web</p><p><a href="" target="_parent">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</a>, consectetur adipiscing elit. <span class="highlight">Quisque at ante sit amet</span> erat laoreet <u>fermentum</u>. Quisque nec nisl. Nam scelerisque cursus dolor. Duis nulla diam, posuere ac, varius id, ullamcorper sit amet, libero.</p><p><span class="note">This text is dynamically loaded from the external XML file. This textfield supports HTML and CSS.</span></p>]]></description>

Guardamos el archivo XML con el nombre flashmo_230_photo_list.xml

Galeria rotativa

Por ultimo creamos una carpeta llamada Photos dentro de la cual vamos a colocar nuestras miniaturas y las fotos a tamaño real.

Galeria rotativa

Exporte su swf y listo ya tenemos nuestra galería tipo Carrusel terminada.

Galeria rotativa

Descarga el editable Galeria rotativa en Flash

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